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Top 7 Free Live Chat Apps For 2023 To Improve Website’s Customer Engagements - Ectesso

Top 7 Free Live Chat Apps for 2023: Improve Your Website’s Customer Engagement

Calender Icon Jun 8 2023

Tired of losing potential customers due to unanswered queries? Customer involvement is crucial to the success of any business venture in this digital age. Live chat apps are powerful tools you can use to enhance customer support and website interaction. As per a recent survey, everyone today desires fast responses. 52 percent of clients want their inquiries resolved within 24 hours. It is therefore not surprising that 63% of consumers prefer live chat to contact businesses, as it enables them to receive instant, real-time support. These data-backed consumer expectations present a strong reason for your firm to implement a live chat system. 

Chatbots are revolutionary because they improve your ability to serve current customers and attract new ones, both of which boost your bottom line. This article presents the top seven free live chat apps for 2023, highlighting their key features and benefits and the users who can benefit from them. Along with it, let’s explore the purpose of live chats, recent trends in the industry, and essential factors to consider when selecting a live chat solution.

Why Should You Use Live Chat Apps in Your Business?

Imagine having a team of people ready to help customers around the clock. It can tremendously impact your business growth. Learn about the remarkable capabilities that will revolutionize the way your website interacts with its visitors.

  • Improve Customer Support: Live chats provide instant assistance, allowing businesses to resolve customer inquiries, problems, and concerns promptly.

  • Boost Sales and Conversions: Live chats enable businesses to engage with potential customers during the buying process, addressing their queries and concerns and potentially boosting sales and conversions.

  • Enhance User Experience: Live chats give customers a quick and personalized way to communicate with businesses, improving user experience and fostering customer loyalty. 

Recent Trends in Live Chats

Want to provide instant assistance and build meaningful connections with your website visitors? As a business owner, you should always be aware of what’s new in the field of live chat applications. Making use of this information might be a game-changer for your company. This technology has made the following significant advances:

  • AI-Powered Chatbots: Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is used to develop intelligent chatbots that can handle basic customer queries and provide instant responses, reducing the workload on human agents.

  • Omni-Channel Integration: To deliver a seamless customer experience across multiple platforms, live chat can currently be integrated with social media, email, and SMS.

  • Proactive Engagement: Live chats are no longer responsive; businesses are using proactive engagement strategies, such as triggered chat invitations and personalized offers, to initiate conversations and provide value to customers.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Live Chat Solution 

Live chats serve a variety of purposes, including enhancing customer support, increasing sales, and improving the user experience. Recent trends in the industry, such as AI-powered chatbots and proactive engagement, are reshaping the way businesses utilize live chats. When choosing a live chat solution, consider the following factors to ensure you select the most suitable option for your business needs:

  • Features and Functionality: Evaluate the features offered by the live chat solution, such as chat customization, file sharing, co-browsing, and chatbot capabilities, to ensure they align with your business requirements.

  • Scalability: Consider whether the live chat solution can handle your business’s growth and accommodate increasing customer demands without compromising performance.

  • Integration Capabilities: Check if the live chat solution can integrate with your existing CRM, help desk software, or other systems to streamline customer data and improve operational efficiency.

  • Mobile-Friendly Interface: With the rise of mobile usage, ensure that the live chat solution provides a user-friendly experience across different devices and screen sizes.

  • Analytics and Reporting: Look for live chat solutions that offer robust analytics and reporting features to track key metrics, monitor agent performance, and gain insights for continuous improvement.

The Most Popular Live Chat Apps for 2023

Are you looking to revolutionize your website’s customer engagement in 2023? Discover the top seven free live chat apps that can transform your business interactions and boost customer satisfaction.

  1. Tidio

Tidio offers a user-friendly interface and powerful features, such as visitor tracking, order management, and messaging channels. It allows companies to interact with clients, and offer prompt assistance. Tidio’s AI-enhanced chatbots can field simple questions, so genuine customers can focus on more involved problems. This app is ideal for e-commerce websites, small businesses, and startups seeking efficient customer support solutions.

  1. Tawk

Tawk provides a feature-rich live chat platform with unlimited agents and conversations. It offers real-time visitor monitoring, canned responses, and customizable widgets. Its seamless integration options allow Tawk to be easily integrated with popular CMS platforms. This app is well-suited for businesses of all sizes, including online stores, service providers, and support teams looking for a robust live chat solution.

  1. HubSpot Chat

HubSpot Chat is a comprehensive customer communication tool that offers live chat, chatbots, and email marketing integration. Its advanced features include chat routing, conversation history, and detailed analytics. HubSpot Chat’s seamless integration with HubSpot CRM allows businesses to gather valuable customer data for personalized interactions. Those in marketing and sales who are primarily concerned with lead generation and nurturing will immediately benefit.

  1. Drift

Drift specializes in conversational marketing and provides a range of automation features. Its chatbots can qualify leads, schedule meetings, and capture contact information. Drift’s unique chat playbooks enable businesses to automate personalized conversations based on user behaviour. This app suits B2B businesses, SaaS companies, and marketing teams seeking to streamline lead generation and conversion processes.

  1. Chatra

Chatra is designed to facilitate customer communication and boost sales. Marketing and sales professionals who are primarily focused on lead generation will start to earn right away. Chatra’s team inbox allows multiple agents to collaborate efficiently. This app is particularly useful for online retailers, travel agencies, and customer-centric businesses aiming to provide personalized support and drive conversions.

  1. Thrive Desk

ThriveDesk is among the finest live chat software currently available. The most effective live chat assistant available is the helpdesk solution that ThriveDesk provides. It never slows down your website. It provides a shared inbox, a live chatbot, and automated knowledge base responses. Moreover, proactive messages and emails with unlimited recipients can help your company increase efficiency. It’s ideal for small businesses, SaaS, and startups.

  1. LiveAgent

LiveAgent is a help desk application that combines a CRM, a call centre, and a ticket management system with an adaptable live conversation solution. It features multilingual live conversation software, video chat rooms, and iOS and Android-specific mobile applications. This software is one of the best options for medium-sized enterprises due to its extensive feature set.

You’ve probably realized that live chat apps are crucial resources for boosting client engagement and happiness. And this article has offered you a wide range of excellent choices from which to choose. You can sample all of the above-mentioned live chat apps before settling on one, as they are all free. Keep in mind that the majority of these live chat apps also offer paid plans with more advanced features if you ever decide to upgrade. By choosing the right live chat app, businesses can improve customer support, increase sales, and build lasting relationships with their website visitors. Evaluate your specific needs and select the app that aligns best with your objectives to unlock the benefits of real-time customer engagement.